
Infusion of agility in supply chain to thrive and not to survive.

Before my fascinating global career in procurement and supply chain, I had scientific ambitions through which I explored books from famous scientists including the ‘Origin of Species’ by Charles Darwin. Darwin argued that strength and intelligence was inadequate to guarantee the survival of species and observed that the ability to adapt to change was most […]

Have you mastered the art of digitally preparing for a group video presentation?

Hindsight 2020 Last year dealt us a black swan event, infamously – “COVID 19”, painfully disrupting face-to-face routines and opening the digital flood gates of apps. Teams have had to adjust and adopt alternative ways of collaboration including digitally organizing and delivering presentations – a skill you can’t afford to miss out on. In this […]

Is Procurement a tight balancing act ?

  If you’re a buyer for your organization this article is for you, if you manage a procurement process you may want to get some coffee or tea if you prefer so you can authoritatively debate in this discussion. Bought properly, goods or services can help organizations grow, meet their objectives and operate efficiently and ethically. […]